Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Foods We Avoid That Are Good for Us

Today, I wanted to discuss some foods that we are taught to avoid, but that are actually good for us. The media has given so many nutritious foods a bad rap! We are so influenced by the media, that one does not stop to think if the information it is giving is true or false. 

#1: Eggs- Yes, they have cholesterol, but that doesn't make them bad! There are 2 types of cholesterol. LDL (Low density lipoprotein), which is the bad guy, and HDL (high density lipoprotein), which is the good guy. Eggs happen to contain HDL cholesterol, protein, omega 3's and healthy fats, making them an awesome meal choice.

#2: Peanut butter- Food is going to have fats, that's just how it works! What matters, though, is the type of fat in the food. Peanut butter contains mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats (aka "healthy" fats). Besides healthy fats, peanut butter also contains protein. So, put down the magazine and pick up the peanut butter!

#3: Pasta- It's okay to have carbs. There is no need to completely cut carbs out from your diet! Pasta (as long as it's whole wheat) is an awesome choice. It's filling and will give you quick energy. Not only will it provide you with energy, it also contains fiber, protein, and a multitude of vitamins. 

#4: Chocolate- Chocolate is not bad for you! As long as it is high quality and low or no sugar. It contains healthy fats, antioxidants and can help to improve heart health. And no, teens, chocolate will not give you acne. Sugar will. If you cannot find low sugar chocolate bars/chips, simply make your own. Chocolate Covered Katie has an awesome, super easy recipe here.

Question of the day: What's you favourite "unhealthy" food?
Mine has to be the warm gingerbread cake with gingerbread glaze that my grandma makes at Christmas time. Omygosh, it's seriously like the best stuff in the entire world. Words cannot even describe how good the cake and glaze are. Maybe I'll try to healthify it one day...

That's it for today! If you have anything to add, please feel free to comment down below. 

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